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Author: jagf

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPmStlZ1HnY] On Feb 25th, 2010, Milton Glaser received The National Medal of Arts. The award was presented by President Obama in the East Room of The White House. Milton was the first designer to receive this honor. In addition to Milton, the recipients included Bob Dylan,...

New York Times columnist David Pogue takes aim at technology’s worst interface-design offenders, and provides encouraging examples of products that get it right. To funny things up, he bursts into song. [ted id=7] Why you should listen to him:  Which cell phone to choose? What software to...

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDRX-zFSnfc] Julieta Gayoso · TED talks Julieta Gayoso es la fundadora de Indarra.DTX, empresa que desarrolla indumentaria innovadora, que provee a sus usuarios beneficios especiales, integrando tecnología y tratamientos en textiles, con materiales naturales, biodegradables y/o de fuente renovable para impactar en lo funcional, desde una política de diseño...

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiIxdFBA0Sw] Emily Pilloton · TED Talks Designer Emily Pilloton moved to rural Bertie County, in North Carolina, to engage in a bold experiment of design-led community transformation. She's teaching a design-build class called Studio H that engages high schoolers' minds and bodies while bringing smart design and new...

Il racconto dei tre porcellini è una delle fiabe più note. Una storia che rimane nella nostra memoria e che contribuisce a spiegare perché molte cose accadono. Due designer spagnoli ne hanno tratto un’interessante lezione di design… at design street. Naturalmente in ogni favola esiste sempre...

La silla Bold Chair fue una creación muy exitosa de Sanserif Creatius en 2009 y, por ello, han decidido crear una nueva versión bajo el nombre de Bold cHair. Esta es una silla o banco 100% biodegradable, ya que está hecho de cartón corrugado. Es...

El Parador de Cáceres es el resultado de un conjunto armoniosamente integrado por los palacios de los Marqueses de Torreorgaz y de la llamada Casa de Ovando Mogollón, Perero y Paredes, ambos del siglo XIV. Un espacio palaciego en el que las sillas Valentina del...