07 Jan Frankenstein government
Today, socialists as Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba are missed. He was the one who christened the Frankenstein government, not the opposition. That says it all.
There are those who saw it as a Sith, member of a mystique and monastic order representing the Dark Side of the Force. He wasn’t a Jedi Knight either, let’s not kid ourselves. But he was one of those politicians that is usually called “plumber” in the talking shop, intelligent and expert of the ins and outs of the national political sewer, but respectful with the master lines of the Constitution. That was enough.
A fragment of “Time for the brave ones”. To read more: http://tribunalibre.es/la-hora-de-los-valientes/
#politics #investiduraSanchez #AlfredoPérezRubalcaba #Jedi #Frankensteingovernment #TribunaLibre @StarWars