21 Mar Primary elections in Valencia, demonstrations and first polls
The poll of El Periódico de Aquí marks a new direction in the municipal preferences of the Valencians, with a rise from PSOE and VOX, and a fall from Ciudadanos and PP, despite there is a possibility to regain the municipal government. The swords are at the highest top to gain the city government, although the call in advance of the regional and general elections could put off balance that bloc politics that has been established. All this has happened during a week marked by the popular success, but not by message, of the demonstration on the 8th of March, that preceded the primary elections of Compromís and Ciudadanos, without surprises, because Ribó and Fernando Giner are in the spotlight again, while Oltra maintains his autonomous leadership.
You can listen to the radio talk show here: https://www.ivoox.com/primera-pagina-11-03-2019-audios-mp3_rf_33256734_1.html
@socialistes_valencians @cs_valencia @vox_valencia #radioenvivo #política #actualidad #buenrollo #porfinesviernes