22 Apr Sustainable and unbiased furniture
We are not biased, nor do we care about the limitations that others might find in a material. There is always a chance to discover new opportunities and that is the path we adopted at Sanserif.es almost a decade ago, when we began to look at recycled cardboard as an optimal raw material for renewing furniture and decoration. It is about understanding it not as a product of low quality or punctual use, but to turn it into an object of desire, sculptural and of long durability. It is about creating objects and pieces that have a strong personality and could be distinguished, while promoting social, environmental and aesthetic values.
From there, the Prejudice collection was born. An evolution of the collection of The Three Little Pigs, a project with which we started in the design and marketing of sustainable and recyclable cardboard furniture that has travelled halfway around the world. Even today, it still preserves its current relevance and boldness almost intact. Perhaps, they were created before society was ready, but this is only valid as an answer for those who only seek to do business, not for those who seek to offer new alternatives to society to ensure sustainable growth. This is the philosophy of Sanserif.es