02 Nov The Fan Phenomenon reaches politics
The election campaigns have left the streets to fight over victory on social media, but the politicians image is still a relevant element. Inspired by this image while thinking about a promotion of craftwork and the historical value of a commemorative object, this series of handcrafted ceramic plates with the image of the political representatives of the Board of Les Corts Valencianes rises up.
Carried out by Sanserif.es in the format of a traditional Manises plate, with triple baking, and an emphasis on the crimson of Les Corts emblem, with the cooperation of César López.
This exclusive series is born as a gift from one of the Board members, as a memento from the shared term in office. In this series appears the president of Les Corts, Enric Xavier Morera Català (Compromis); the two Vice Presidents, María José Salvador Rubert (PSOE) and Jorge Bellver Casaña (PP); the two secretaries, Cristina Cabedo Laborda (Podem) and Luís Arquillos Cruz (Cs), just as the Chief Counsel, Francisco Visiedo Mazón.
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