02 Jul Valencia Plaza: El Muvim dressed in letters
Supplement CulturPlaza in newspaper Valencia Plaza includes an article on the exhibition “Es pot xafar la línia” (loosely meaning “You can cross the line”) at Museo Valenciano de la Ilustración y de la Modernidad (Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity), in which it is our pleasure to participate as guest artists.
“For the ninth year in a row, walls in the Sala de la Torre in the MuVIM are covered in letters as they welcome artistic works by students from Máster en Artes Gráficas (Master Studies in Graphic Arts) from university Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), as well as works by great professionals in Valencian graphic design.
Boke Bazán, Gimeno Gràfic, Calmo Estudio or Sanserif.es are some of the guest artists that will add their particular style and way of conceiving typography to that of the young talents in this 2021 edition.
More info at: https://valenciaplaza.com/el-muvim-se-viste-de-letras-para-rendir-un-homenaje-a-la-tipografia-y-su-juego-estetico
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