17 Aug Video of La Regadera’s labor integration project
We are happy to share with you the video filmed for “La Regadera”’s project, one of the sponsored start-ups by the “Diseño: Lo Por Venir” initiative, an action promoted by Institute for Research, Development and Dissemination of Creation and Art Therapy Processes (IDECART), within the framework of interventions of World Design Capital Valencia 2022.
The project addresses a process of formation with personalized meetings by a multidisciplinary team of Designers and Art Therapists to encourage creativity and co-creation between groups with difficulties towards the socio-occupational integration, which has already had previous experience with entities such as Koopera or Novaterra.
In this case, members related to Fem Salut Mental, an entity declared as Public Utility by the Ministry of Interior, have taken part in this accompaniment towards the working market, thanks to the support of the Provincial Council of Valencia. The result is a line of functional products developed by people in risk of exclusion that can become an alternative to their working market access.
@laregadera_saludmental surge gracias al proyecto ‘Diseño Lo Por Venir’ de @idecart_arteterapia para @wdcvalencia2022 y patrocinado por la @diputaciodevalencia.
#laregadera #saludmental #codiseño #creatividad #orgulloloco #diseñosocial #arteterapia #refranes #saberpopular #femsalutmental #idecart #arteterapia #anayago #sanserifcreatius