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sanserif creatius Tag

The changing financial situation in Europe is affecting consumer goods. As a new element in the game, the present structural crisis has increased the complexity of the environment, affecting every link in the packaging chain for all kinds of products. As a result, consumers’ attitudes shift...

“Unhappy is the land that needs heroes”, wrote Berthold Brecht in 1938, in his Life of Galileo. Searching for people of supposedly super abilities and powers as an answer to society’s problems means divesting of the individual and collective responsibility to reflect and act. Resorting...

"From planting mangrove trees to bicycle-and-bullhorn early-warning systems, many of the most effective tools are about mobilising people, not expensive technology...

La silla Bold Chair fue una creación muy exitosa de Sanserif Creatius en 2009 y, por ello, han decidido crear una nueva versión bajo el nombre de Bold cHair. Esta es una silla o banco 100% biodegradable, ya que está hecho de cartón corrugado. Es...